Livestock play a vital role in Region 8’s economy and agricultural development and growth. They produce not only food, but they also provide key inputs to various industrial activities. Livestock include pig (swine), cattle (cow), carabao, chicken, goat etc. Livestock raising is a profitable and sustainable business enterprise.
The Livestock Program is directed towards the attainment of productivity, efficiency, economic and sustainable livestock and poultry industry through continuous engagement with the LGUs and other industry stakeholders, and effective delivery of services. Ways to attain these include increasing the region’s breeder base through direct infusion of breeder animals, production of quality stocks, maintenance of healthy and stable disease situation, and provision of technical assistance to farmer clienteles.
Livestock and Poultry Inventory/Production
Region 8’s livestock and poultry inventory in this section covers from 2009-2011. Based on Bureau on Agricultural Statistics (BAS) data, carabao inventory has significant decline from 337,971 (2010) to 309,048 (2011) with -8.56% change; Cattle inventory falls from 15, 349 (2010) to 14,671 (2011) with -4.42% change; goat inventory significantly decline from 109,784 (2010) to 97,946 (2011) with -10.78% change; and hog inventory with a major decline from 978,360 (2010) to 763,052 (2011) with -22.01% change. Generally, inventory of the aforementioned livestock and poultry decline from 2009-2011 in all provinces, except for chicken and broiler. Chicken inventory increased from 3,929,021 (2010) to 4,380,937 (2011) with 11.50% change, and broiler inventory from 1,200,759 (2010) to 1,435,889 (2011) with 19.58% change.
Carabeef has significant increase in meet production from 2007 to 2011 (7,960 to 10,838mt); beef (cattle) production seems to stabilize between 2,799 to 2,394mt likewise; chevon production stabilizes between 1,625 to 1,448mt in the same year. Carabeef and beef has constant increase in value from 2007-2009 whereas, chevon seem to peak in 2008 and slows down in 2009. Pork (hogs) production has a very steep decline from 2007 to 2011, this could be due to inefficiency of local hog production, high cost of input, inadequate supply of major feed materials etc. Broiler chicken production is at all time high from 2007 to 2011 because it is private-led and controlled industry whereas, ducks production started to bounce back in 2011. Value of egg production for chicken and ducks slightly slows down from 2007 to 2009. Sufficiency Index (SI) on 2011: pork – 389%, chicken – 243%, carabeef – 232% but for c. eggs and beef only 43% and 80%, respectively.
The Livestock Program aims to increase livestock and poultry inventory by at least 5% from 2012-2016, and meat and egg production by at least 3% per year from 2012-2016 based on 2011 inventory and production.
Livestock Roadmap
1. Disease Control and Eradication
2. Genetic Resources Improvement
3. Meat Safety and Quality
4. Capability Development
5. Stronger Public and Private Partnerships
Program Services/Interventions
1. Production Support Services
2. Marketing Development Services
3. Extension Support, Education and Training Services (ESETS)
4. Research and Development
5. Regulatory Services
6. Information Support Services
7. Policy Formulation, Planning and Advocacy Services
Genetic Improvement
The program aims to improve the production and reproduction potentials of the local herd through the introduction of superior quality genetics of large and small ruminants.
1. Male Breeder Loan Program (MBLP) – It is a distribution scheme where superior quality bulls, carabulls, bucks and rams are loaned out to farmers for use in genetic improvement programs.
a. Livestock and poultry farmer must have at least 10-15 head breedable females, and
b. He/she is willing to insure the breeder animal with Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation (PCIC).
1. Prepare letter of intent addressed to DA-8’s Regional Executive Director
2. Site validation & recommendations by DA-8
3. Reservation (at DA-8’s station) and preparation of release documents
4. Prepare letter to requisitioner (approved or disapproved)
5. Withdrawal of animals by requesting party
2. Unified National Artificial Insemination Program (UNAIP) – An integrated effort to upgrade cattle (cow and carabao) and small ruminant for chevon, beef and dairy in one program in order to enhance production with the application of Artificial Insemination (A.I.) technology.
a. Must assign a technician or private individual to focus on A.I.
b. Must allocate at least P50,000 for operating expenses/supplies
c. Procure one (1) unit mother tank (P35,000) and one (1) unit Field tank (P8,000)
d. Must have at least 500 breedable females coverage
a. Train technicians or private individual willing to conduct A.I.
b. Provide calf-drop incentive @ 200/viable calf on the ground
c. Provide Liquid nitrogen supply for 1 year and frozen semen
d. Provide technical assistance and mentoring to sharpen skills
1. Inform PAIC
2. Preparation of the requirements
3. Conduct Artificial Insemination (AI) Training
4. DA provides support services
5. Performance of AI services
3. Production Farm Development – Designed to assist LGUs and private individuals in the establishment of sustainable livestock production farms and centers as source of superior genetic materials in support animal dispersal programs.
LGU – Land area, housing, caretaker, pasture, fencing and water supply.
DA – Initial breeder stocks, training, planting materials, technical assistance, etc.

Animal Health Program
This program is formed to ensure prevention, control and eradication of animal diseases to reduce mortalities in livestock and poultry industry thus, increasing the income of livestock and poultry farmers in the region.
Assessment of the geographical distribution and monitoring of diseases occurrences in the community using the Philippine Animal Health Information System (PhilAHIS).
General Directions
• Active surveillance and monitoring by Regional Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (RDDL).
• Control of animal movement – border control.
• Feed and veterinary drug regulations.
• Prevention and control of common and zoonotic animal diseases.
• Conduct of RAC-ADCE meeting – a venue for livestock/poultry stakeholders interface.
• Continued Info-Edu Campaign.
Animal Health Programs/Services – This is to ensure that practices in livestock and poultry industry adhere with the environmental standards.
• Prevention, Control and Eradication Program
• Distribution of vaccines and biologicals
• Provision of drugs and veterinary medicines for emergency response
• Provision of Disease Diagnostic Laboratory Services
• Provision of Feed Laboratory Analytical Services
Capability and Capacity Development
• Conduct of trainings/seminars
• University-on-the-Air
• Consultation meetings/workshops
• Refresher course for Agricultural Extension Technicians
• Educational Field Trips (Lakbay Aral)