DA8-Goods-2025-01Supply and Delivery of Agricultural Equipment1,070,000.00November 9, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-02Supply and Delivery of Agricultural Equipment9,130,000.00November 9, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-03Supply and Delivery of Agricultural Machinery and Equipment7,430,000.00November 9, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2025-01Supply of Labor and Materials for the Construction of Binongto-an Solar Powered Irrigation System (SPIS) located at Brgy. Binongto-an, Tanauan, Leyte6,929,495.09November 9, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2025-02Supply Labor and Materials for the Construction of Poultry house for Chicken Multiplier Farm located at Brgy. Cutay, Carigara, Leyte1,000,000.00November 9, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-04Provision of Fifteen (15) Janitors to render Janitorial Services in the Department of Agriculture RFO 8 covering the period of January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025 with the provision of monthly supplies and materials3,116,309.40November 12, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2025-03Supply Labor and Materials for the Canal Improvement of Tangbo Diversion Dam located at Brgy. Tangbo, Arteche, Eastern Samar2,969,481.27November 12, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2025-04Supply Labor and Materials for the Rehabilitation of Otikon Diversion Dam located at Brgy. Otikon, Libagon, Southern Leyte4,455,436.89November 12, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-05Provision of catering services during the Conduct of the Liveness and Confirmation of farmers in Eastern Visayas covering the period from May 06, 2025 to August 27, 2025 for 44,000 pax5,500,000.00November 14, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-06Provision of catering services to 179 pax during the Conduct of the Registry System for Basic Sectors in Agriculture (RSBSA) 1st Quarter Assessment Workshop on April 21-26, 2025 at Ormoc City1,991,375.00November 14, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-07Procurement Service of Security Services covering January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025 in the Department of Agriculture-RFO 8 and its facilities/stations12,503,015.00November 15, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-08Supply and Delivery of Agricultural Inputs10,087,115.00November 15, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-14Provide food packs good for 35 pax per activity for two days during the conduct of SAAD FY 2025 Capacity Building Activities (Capacity Building Training) in the following provinces and schedules5,292,000.00December 5, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2025-06Supply Labor and Materials for the Construction of Bias-Zabala Diversion Dam (Intake Structure) located at Brgy. Bias-Zabala, Jaro, Leyte8,662,263.41December 6, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2025-07Supply Labor and Materials for the Construction of Ugbon Solar Powered Irrigation System (SPIS) located at So. Tambis, Brgy. Ugbon, Leyte, Leyte and Construction of Drip Irrigation System at Brgy. Calaguise, Leyte, Leyte8,029,985.04December 6, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-09Supply and Delivery of Laboratory Supplies1,564,948.00December 10, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-10Supply and Delivery of Agricultural Equipment1,650,000.00December 10, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-11Supply and Delivery of Motor Vehicles12,100,000.00December 10, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-13Supply and Delivery of Layer Chicken (coupled w/egg machine) and Feeds; and Various Feeds39,923,320.00December 10, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2025-05Supply Labor and Materials for the Construction of Casidman Solar Powered Irrigation System (SPIS) located at Brgy. Casidman, Arteche, Eastern Samar6,925,841.69December 10, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-12Supply and Delivery of Farm Supplies and Equipment13,202,460.00December 17, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-18Supply and Delivery of Various Fertilizer1,968,966.00December 11, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-19Supply and Delivery of Agricultural Equipment850,000.00December 11, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-20Supply and Delivery of Rotary Tilling Walking Type Agricultural Tractor (Multicultivator)3,300,000.00December 11, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2025-08Supply of Labor and Materials for the Construction of Warehouse located at Brgy. Consuegra, Leyte, Leyte6,435,616.19December 12, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2025-09Supply of Labor and Materials for the Construction of Warehouse located at Brgy. Gapas, Sta. Fe, Leyte6,435,616.19December 12, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2025-10Supply of Labor and Materials for the Construction of Warehouse located at Brgy. San Pablo, Tabon-Tabon, Leyte6,138,610.53December 12, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2025-11Supply Labor and Materials for the Construction of Warehouse located at Brgy. San Jose, Ormoc City6,435,616.19December 12, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-21Supply and Delivery of Farm Supplies & Garden Tools7,180,750.00December 24, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-22upply and Delivery of Various Seeds1,058,060.00December 24, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2025-12Supply Labor and Materials for the Construction of Warehouse located at Brgy. Hinulogan, Dagami, Leyte2,475,241.77January 21, 2025DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2025-14Supply of Labor and Materials for the Construction of Greenhouse (Rainshelter)1,185,000.00January 21, 2025DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2025-15Supply of Labor and Materials for the Construction of 4 Units Cacao Dryer located at (i) Brgy. Apolonia, Paranas, Samar, (ii) Brgy. Nenita, Mondragon, Northern Samar, (iii) Brgy. Juangon, Malitbog, Southern Leyte, and (iv) Brgy. Tongonan, Ormoc City, Leyte1,200,000.00January 21, 2025DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2025-13Supply of Labor and Materials for the Construction of Greenhouse (Rainshelter)862,000.00January 24, 2025DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-11-RebiddingSupply and Delivery of Motor Vehicles12,100,000.00January 24, 2025DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-24Supply and Delivery of Assorted Vegetable Seeds for Seed Distribution and Gulayan sa Bayan8,605,724.00January 24, 2025DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-25Supply and Delivery of Various Garden Tools9,344,560.00January 24, 2025DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-26Provision of food for the various AMAD-MDS Activity4,110,800.00January 31, 2025DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-27upply and Delivery of Various Inorganic Fertilizer1,091,448.00January 31, 2025DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-28Supply and Delivery of Corn Seeds22,462,850.00January 31, 2025DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-29Supply and Delivery of Pre-Treated Cassava Seed Pieces6,000,000.00January 31, 2025DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-15Supply and Delivery of Test Kits for Animal Disease Diagnosis3,500,000.00February 6, 2025DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-17Supply and Delivery of Certified Rice Seeds under Seed Reserve1,980,000.00February 6, 2025DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-23Supply and Delivery of Planting Materials1,209,936.00February 6, 2025DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-31Provision of Food and Accomodation for the conduct of Seminar on Enterprise Assessment and Enterprise Development for LGUs1,783,050.00February 6, 2025DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-32Supply and Delivery of Animal Biologics and Tools1,744,487.25February 6, 2025DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-16Supply and Delivery of Hydroponics Growing Kit1,032,000.00December 30, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-36Supply and Delivery of Poultry and Feeds5,999,060.00February 19, 2025DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-38Supply and Delivery of Agricultural Machinery24,600,000.00February 19, 2025DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-08-RebiddingSupply and Delivery of Agricultural Inputs10,087,115.00February 26, 2025DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-16-RebiddingSupply and Delivery of Hydroponics Growing Kit1,032,000.00February 26, 2025DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-44Supply and Delivery of Hauling Vehicle12,730,000.00February 26, 2025DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-45Catering for 364 pax during the conduct of Planning Workshop and Assessment of the Corn Program cum Mas, Cas, and Pas Consultation Meeting1,099,600.00February 26, 2025DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-17-RebiddingSupply and Delivery of Certified Rice Seeds under Seed Reserve1,980,000.00February 28, 2025DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2025-05-RebiddingSupply Labor and Materials for the Construction of Casidman Solar Powered Irrigation System (SPIS) located at Brgy. Casidman, Arteche, Eastern Samar6,925,841.69February 28, 2025DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2024-29-RebiddingSupply labor and materials for the Repair and Improvement of 4 Units Animal Shed at Gandara Satellite Station, Brgy. San Agustin Gandara Samar1,250,000.00February 28, 2025DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2025-50Supply and Delivery of Jackfruit Asexually (Grafted) Propagated Certified Quality Planting Materials5,000,000.00March 11, 2025DOWNLOAD FILE