DA8-Goods-2024-01Supply and Delivery of Corn Seeds35,016,000.00September 28, 2023DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-02Procurement of Security Services covering January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024 in the Department of Agriculture-RFO 8 and its facilities/stations12,331,030.40September 28, 2023DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-03Supply and Delivery of Biofertilizers2,449,440.00September 28, 2023DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-04Supply and Delivery of Certified Rice Seeds under Seed Reserve2,088,000.00October 6, 2023DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-05Supply and Delivery of Animal/Zoological Supplies3,500,000.00October 17, 2023DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-06Supply and Delivery of Agricultural Equipment5,500,000.00October 17, 2023DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2024-01Supply of Labor & Materials for the Construction of Bogasong Diversion Dam (DD) located at Brgy. Bogasong, Libagon, Southern Leyte10,201,557.89October 18, 2023DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2024-02Supply of Labor & Materials for the Canal Improvement of Sambulawan Small Water Impounding Project (SWIP) at Brgy. Sambulawan, Villaba, Leyte2,505,854.69October 18, 2023DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-07Supply and Delivery of Garden Tools1,132,635.00October 27, 2023DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-04-RebiddingSupply and Delivery of Certified Rice Seeds under Seed Reserve2,088,000.00November 6, 2023DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-10Supply and Delivery of Agricultural Machineries4,824,000.00November 6, 2023DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-08Supply and Delivery of Recirculating Dryer6,000,000.00November 7, 2023DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-09Supply and Delivery of Various Machinery9,648,000.00November 7, 2023DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-11Provision of fifteen (15) janitors to render janitorial services in the DA-RFO8 covering the period of January 1, 2024 to December 31, 20243,129,973.20November 14, 2023DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-12Supply and Delivery of Inorganic Fertilizer5,810,400.00November 14, 2023DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-13Supply and Delivery of Planting Materials4,525,000.00November 15, 2023DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-14Supply and Delivery of Agricultural Equipment3,520,000.00November 16, 2023DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2024-03Supply of Labor & Materials for the Construction of Cablangan Diversion Dam (DD) located at Brgy. Cablangan, Mondragon, Northern Samar12,455,453.00November 16, 2023DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-15Supply and Delivery of Passenger Van3,175,000.00November 24, 2023DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-16Supply and Delivery of Feeds and Biologics2,491,850.00November 24, 2023DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-17Provision of Catering Services for Trainings SAAD 20243,240,000.00December 8, 2023DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-06-RebiddingSupply and Delivery of Agricultural Equipment5,500,000.00December 29, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-15-RebiddingSupply and Delivery of Passenger Van3,175,000.00December 29, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-16-RebiddingSupply and Delivery of Feeds and Biologics2,491,850.00December 29, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-CS-2024-01Consultancy Services for The Process Evaluation on The Implementation of The Fertilizer Assistance Program for Rice Farmers in Eastern Visayas Via Discount Voucher Modality4,000,000.00January 12, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-15Supply and Delivery of Passenger Van3,175,000.00November 24, 2023DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-16Supply and Delivery of Feeds and Biologics2,491,850.00November 24, 2023DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-18Supply and Delivery of ICT Equipment1,250,000.00December 29, 2023DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-19Provision of Catering Services for Values Formation and Leadership Training2,160,000.00January 16, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-20Supply and Delivery of Various Farm Supplies9,764,750.00January 16, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-21Supply and Delivery of Layer Chicken and Feeds28,931,800.00January 16, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-22Supply and Delivery of Feeds and Biologics1,082,972.00January 17, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-23Supply and Delivery of Assorted Vegetable Seeds3,306,715.00January 23, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-24Supply and Delivery of Various Vegetable Seeds3,169,400.00January 23, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-25Supply and Delivery of Goat1,350,000.00January 26, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-26Supply and Delivery of Fertilizers5,111,000.00January 26, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-27Supply and Delivery of Planting Materials1,428,750.00January 26, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-28Supply and Delivery of Various Machinery4,150,000.00January 26, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-29Supply and Delivery of Laboratory Supplies2,352,950.00January 26, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2024-0030Supply of Labor and Materials for the Construction of Aroganga Solar Power Irrigation System (SPIS) located at Brgy. Aroganga, Dolores, Eastern Samar1,025,711.77February 1, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2024-0031Supply of Labor and Materials for the Construction of Daja-Daku Solar Powered Irrigation System (SPIS) located at Brgy. Daja-Daku, San Isidro, Leyte1,090,000.00February 1, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-32Supply and Delivery of Certified Rice Seeds under Seed Reserve1,044,000.00February 1, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-33Supply and Delivery of Various Machinery and Equipment2,560,000.00February 1, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-10-RebiddingSupply and Delivery of Agricultural Machineries (Pinawa Rice Mill)3,000,000.00February 1, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-TFB-2024-1Adopting Sec. 53.1 (Two Failed Biddings): Supply and Delivery of Feeds and Biologics2,491,850.00February 6, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-34Supply and Delivery of Corn Seeds34,321,000.00February 8, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-35Supply and Delivery of Layer Chicken and Feeds6,154,920.00February 8, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-36Supply and Delivery of Swine and Feeds11,913,530.00February 8, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-37Supply and Delivery of Hauling Vehicle18,900,000.00February 16, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-05-RebiddingSupply and Delivery of Animal/Zoological Supplies1,280,000.00February 20, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-38Supply and Delivery of Hauling Vehicle10,000,000.00February 20, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-39Provide food packs good for 30 pax per activity for three days during the conduct of SAAD FY 2024 Various Livelihood Trainings3,960,000.00February 21, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-40Provide food packs good for 30 pax per activity for two days during the conduct of SAAD FY 2024 Agricultural Marketing and Enterprise Training3,120,000.00February 21, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-41Provide catering services with venue good for 375 pax during the conduct of Farm and Fisheries Clustering and Consolidation (F2C2) Program Training on Agro-Enterprise Clustering Approach1,221,000.00February 27, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-42Supply and Delivery of Agricultural Machinery and Equipment26,900,000.00February 27, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-TFB-2024-1Adopting Sec. 53.1 (Two Failed Biddings): Supply and Delivery of Feeds and Biologics2,491,850.00February 28, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2024-06Supply of Labor & Materials for the Construction of Nursery and Greenhouse12,480,000.00March 1, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-30Supply and Delivery of Breeder Gilts and Feeds1,083,000.00March 2, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-31Supply and Delivery of Veterinary Drugs2,110,000.00March 2, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-43Supply and Delivery of Organic Fertilizers1,260,000.00March 2, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-44Supply and Delivery of Hauling Vehicle2,000,000.00March 2, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2024-02-RebiddingSupply of Labor & Materials for the Canal Improvement of Sambulawan Small Water Impounding Project (SWIP) at Brgy. Sambulawan, Villaba, Leyte2,505,854.69March 2, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-22-RebiddingSupply and Delivery of Feeds and Biologics1,082,972.00March 6, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-32-RebiddingSupply and Delivery of Certified Rice Seeds under Seed Reserve1,044,000.00March 6, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2024-04-RebiddingSupply of Labor and Materials for the Construction of Aroganga Solar Power Irrigation System (SPIS) located at Brgy. Aroganga, Dolores, Eastern Samar1,025,711.77March 6, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2024-05-RebiddingSupply of Labor and Materials for the Construction of Daja-Daku Solar Powered Irrigation System (SPIS) located at Brgy. Daja-Daku, San Isidro, Leyte1,090,000.00March 6, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-45Provide catering services, venue and accommodation during the conduct on Technical Assistance on Business Plan Preparation for OA Livelihood Project (OALP) in Tacloban, City1,296,600.00March 14, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-TFB-2024-2Adopting Sec. 53.1 (Two Failed Biddings): Supply and Delivery of Passenger Van3,175,000.00March 16, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-49Supply and Delivery of Hauling Vehicle2,100,000.00March 16, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-50Supply and Delivery of Inorganic Fertilizer (Complete)8,877,500.00March 16, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-51Supply and Delivery of Inorganic Bio-Fertilizer1,495,340.00March 16, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-TFB-2024-3Adopting Sec. 53.1 (Two Failed Biddings): Supply and Delivery of Pinawa Rice Mill3,000,000.00March 26, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-48Supply and Delivery of Planting Materials2,575,000.00March 26, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-53Supply and Delivery of Veterinary Drugs1,954,500.00March 26, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2024-0010Supply labor and materials for the Establishment of 2-Units Feed Processing Shed at San Miguel Experiment Station, Brgy. Caraycaray, San Miguel, Leyte & Babatngon Experiment, Brgy. Bagong Silang, Babatngon, Leyte1,500,000.00March 27, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-54Provide Catering Services with Venue and Accommodation good for 300 pax during the conduct of Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) Consultation Workshop1,302,000.00March 27, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-25-RebiddingSupply and Delivery of Goat1,350,000.00April 5, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-28-RebiddingSupply and Delivery of Walking Type – Agricultural Tractor – Rotary Tilling Type3,000,000.00April 5, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-30-RebiddingSupply and Delivery of Breeder Gilts and Feeds1,083,000.00April 5, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-33-RebiddingSupply and Delivery of Various Machinery and Equipment1,960,000.00April 5, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-36-RebiddingSupply and Delivery of Swine and Feeds6,923,930.00April 5, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-56Supply and Delivery of Range Chicken and Feeds2,755,440.00April 5, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2024-07Supply of Labor and Materials for the Construction of Seed Processing Shed at SJE-Catubig Satellite Station, Brgy. Irawahan, Northern, Samar1,800,000.00March 26, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2024-08Supply of Labor and Materials for the Construction of 230 sq.m. Machinery Shed at San Jorge Experiment Station, Brgy. Anquiana, San Jorge, Samar2,500,000.00March 26, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2024-09Supply of labor and Materials for the Establishment of 50 ln.m. Drainage Canal behind the Seed Storage Watehouse at SJES-Catubig Satellite Station, Brgy. Irawahan, Catubig Northern1,200,000.00March 26, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-TFB-2024-2Adopting Sec. 53.1 (Two Failed Biddings): Supply and Delivery of Passenger Van3,175,000.00March 25, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-31-RebiddingSupply and Delivery of Veterinary Drugs2,110,000.00April 9, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-57Supply and Delivery of Garden Tools4,973,720.00April 9, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-29-RebiddingSupply and Delivery of Laboratory Supplies1,093,800.00April 16, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2024-11Supply labor and materials for the Establishment of Six (6) units Biogas Digester2,400,000.00April 9, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2024-12Supply of Labor and Materials for the Construction of Cambaro Solar Powered Irrigation System (SPIS) located at Brgy. Cambaro, Macrohon, Southern Leyte1,100,000.00April 9, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2024-13Supply of Labor and Materials for the Construction of Poultry House for the Chicken Multiplier Farm2,000,000.00April 9, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2024-06-RebiddingSupply of Labor & Materials for the Construction of Nursery and Greenhouse at Borongan, Eastern Samar1,040,000.00April 16, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2024-08-RebiddingSupply of Labor and Materials for the Construction of 230 sq.m. Machinery Shed at San Jorge Experiment Station, Brgy. Anquiana, San Jorge, Samar2,500,000.00April 16, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-TFB-2024-1Adopting Sec. 53.1 (Two Failed Biddings): Supply of Labor and Materials for the Construction of Aroganga Solar Power Irrigation System (SPIS) located at Brgy. Aroganga, Dolores, Eastern Samar1,025,711.77April 17, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-TFB-2024-4Adopting Sec. 53.1 (Two Failed Biddings): Supply and Delivery of Feeds and Biologics1,082,972.00April 17, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-58Supply and Delivery of Inorganic Fertilizers1,116,800.00April 23, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-59Supply and Delivery of Farm Tools1,157,600.00April 23, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-60Supply and Delivery of Piglets and Feeds8,760,000.00April 25, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-62Supply and Delivery of Planting Materials3,250,000.00April 25, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-37-RebiddingSupply and Delivery of Hauling Vehicle (Dropside with Canopy)7,000,000.00April 26, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-42-RebiddingSupply and Delivery of Four Wheel Drive Tractor6,400,000.00April 26, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-61Supply and Delivery of Four Wheel Drive Tractor6,400,000.00April 26, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-63Supply and Delivery of Various Inorganic Fertilizers5,067,000.00April 26, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-TFB-2024-1-RepostingAdopting Sec. 53.1 (Two Failed Biddings): Supply of Labor and Materials for the Construction of Aroganga Solar Power Irrigation System (SPIS) located at Brgy. Aroganga, Dolores, Eastern Samar1,025,711.77May 14, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-TFB-2024-2Adopting Sec. 53.1 (Two Failed Biddings): Supply of Labor & Materials for the Canal Improvement of Sambulawan Small Water Impounding Project (SWIP) at Brgy. Sambulawan, Villaba, Leyte2,505,854.69May 14, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-TFB-2024-3Adopting Sec. 53.1 (Two Failed Biddings): Supply of Labor and Materials for the Construction of Daja-Daku Solar Powered Irrigation System (SPIS) located at Brgy. Daja-Daku, San Isidro, Leyte1,090,000.00May 14, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-55Supply of Labor and Materials for Printing of various IEC materials1,120,000.00March 27, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-56-RebiddingSupply and Delivery of Range Chicken and Feeds2,755,440.00May 16, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-64Supply and Delivery of Various Fertilizer5,848,700.00May 16, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2024-12-RebiddingSupply of Labor and Materials for the Construction of Cambaro Solar Powered Irrigation System (SPIS) located at Brgy. Cambaro, Macrohon, Southern Leyte1,100,000.00May 16, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2024-13-RebiddingSupply of Labor and Materials for the Construction of Poultry House for the Chicken Multiplier Farm2,000,000.00May 16, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-TFB-2024-4-RepostingAdopting Sec. 53.1 (Two Failed Biddings): Supply and Delivery of Feeds and Biologics1,082,972.00May 18, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-TFB-2024-5Adopting Sec. 53.1 (Two Failed Biddings): Supply and Delivery of Cassava Chipper960,000.00May 18, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-TFB-2024-6Adopting Sec. 53.1 (Two Failed Biddings): Supply and Delivery of Four Wheel Drive Tractor6,400,000.00May 18, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-65Supply and Delivery of Various Fertilizer2,510,000.00May 23, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-66Supply and Delivery of Certified Rice Seeds under Seed Reserve1,043,438.00May 23, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2024-14Design and Build of the Upgrading of the R4DE Center for Rice Industry Development in Region 820,000,000.00May 23, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2024-15Supply of Labor and Materials for the Construction of one (1) Unit Native Pig House at Babatngon Experiment Station, Brgy. Bagong Silang, Babatngon, Leyte1,500,000.00May 23, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-60-RebiddingSupply and Delivery of Piglets and Feeds8,760,000.00May 24, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-61-RebiddingSupply and Delivery of Four Wheel Drive Tractor6,400,000.00May 24, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-62-RebiddingSupply and Delivery of Planting Materials3,250,000.00May 24, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-63-RebiddingSupply and Delivery of Various Inorganic Fertilizers5,067,000.00May 24, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-67Supply and Delivery of Hauling Vehicle5,250,000.00May 24, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-68To provide catering services and accommodation for 150 pax for the conduct of the Finalization of the FY 2025 Budget Execution Documents (BEDs) based on NEP on October 14-18, 2024 at Tanauan, Leyte1,285,000.00May 28, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-TFB-2024-7Adopting Sec. 53.1 (Two Failed Biddings): Supply and Delivery of Goat1,350,000.00May 29, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-69Supply and Delivery of Various Machiner3,370,000.00June 4, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2024-16Supply of Labor & Materials for the Construction of Greenhouse with Hydroponics5,070,000.00June 4, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-TFB-2024-7-RepostingAdopting Sec. 53.1 (Two Failed Biddings): Supply and Delivery of Goat1,350,000.00June 21, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-TFB-2024-2-RepostingAdopting Sec. 53.1 (Two Failed Biddings): Supply of Labor & Materials for the Canal Improvement of Sambulawan Small Water Impounding Project (SWIP) at Brgy. Sambulawan, Villaba, Leyte2,505,854.00June 21, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-0065Supply and Delivery of Hauling Vehicle (Closed Van)2,625,000.00June 28, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-67-RebiddingSupply and Delivery of Hauling Vehicle5,250,000.00June 28, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-68-RebiddingTo provide catering services and accommodation for 150 pax for the conduct of the Finalization of the FY 2025 Budget Execution Documents (BEDs) based on NEP on October 14-18, 2024 at Tanauan, Leyte1,285,000.00June 28, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2024-17Supply of Labor and Materials for the Repair and Improvement of 2-units Duck House at Babatngon Experiment Station, Brgy. Bagong Silang, Babatngon, Leyte2,000,000.00June 28, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-TFB-2024-8Adopting Sec. 53.1 (Two Failed Biddings): Supply and Delivery of Piglets and Feeds8,760,000.00July 9, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-TFB-2024-2-Reposting3Adopting Sec. 53.1 (Two Failed Biddings): Supply of Labor & Materials for the Canal Improvement of Sambulawan Small Water Impounding Project (SWIP) at Brgy. Sambulawan, Villaba, Leyte2,505,854.69July 9, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-66-RebiddingSupply and Delivery of Certified Rice Seeds under Seed Reserve1,043,438.00July 10, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-70Supply and Delivery of Various Inorganic Fertilizer1,942,000.00July 10, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2024-11-RebiddingSupply labor and materials for the Establishment of Six (6) units Biogas Digester2,400,000.00July 10, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2024-18Supply of Labor and Materials for the Repair and Improvement of Cattle shed at Abuyog Experiment Station- Sogod Satellite, Brgy. Kahupian, Sogod, Southern Leyte1,250,000.00July 10, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-TFB-2024-9Adopting Sec. 53.1 (Two Failed Biddings): Supply and Delivery of Breeder Gilts and Feeds1,083,000.00July 11, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-TFB-2024-8-RepostingAdopting Sec. 53.1 (Two Failed Biddings): Supply and Delivery of Piglets and Feeds8,760,000.00June 23, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2024-16-RebiddingSupply of Labor & Materials for the Construction of Greenhouse with Hydroponics5,070,000.00July 30, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-TFB-2024-6-RepostingAdopting Sec. 53.1 (Two Failed Biddings): Supply and Delivery of Four Wheel Drive Tractor6,400,000.00July 30, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2024-19Supply of Labor and Materials for the Repair of 2 Units Goat House at AES-Malitbog Satellite Station, Malitbog, So. Leyte1,250,000.00July 30, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2024-20Supply of Labor and Materials for the Construction of Babatngon Experiment Station (BES) Solar Powered Irrigation System (SPIS)7,000,000.00July 30, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-TFB-2024-8-Reposting1Adopting Sec. 53.1 (Two Failed Biddings): Supply and Delivery of Piglets and Feeds8,760,000.00August 1, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-70-RebiddingSupply and Delivery of Various Inorganic Fertilizer1,942,000.00August 7, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-71Supply and Delivery of Swine and Feeds6,824,400.00August 7, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-TFB-2024-10Adopting Sec. 53.1 (Two Failed Biddings): Supply and Delivery of Certified Rice Seeds under Seed Reserve1,043,438.00August 20, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-TFB-2024-11Adopting Sec. 53.1 (Two Failed Biddings): Supply and Delivery of Four Wheel Drive Tractor6,400,000.00August 20, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-72Provide catering services for the conduct of Municipal/City, Provincial Agriculturists and Report Officers and Local Farmer Technicians (LFT) Rice Farm Cluster Development1,286,000.00August 23, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Goods-2024-73Supply and Delivery of Pre-Treated Cassava Seed Pieces3,000,000.00August 23, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE
DA8-Infra-2024-21Supply of Labor and Materials for the Construction of Dawo Solar Powered Irrigation System (SPIS) located at Brgy. Dawo, Calbayog City, Samar1,089,018.06August 23, 2024DOWNLOAD FILE